On Mon, 22 Jan 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> (section 4.3, pp 126-135) I hadn't heard about pseudo-hashes. I now
> desire a data structure with non-numeric keys, definable iteration
> order, no autovivification, and happy syntax. (And, of course,
> fast-n-small :-) Having Conway's blessing is nice

Pseudo-hashes do not have Conway's blessing.  We hired him to do a
tutorial for our engineers a few omnths back, and he railed about how
disappointing pseudo-hashes turned out to be and why no one should ever
use them.  I had already reached the same conclusion after I saw that
everyone would have to remember to say "my Dog $spot;" every time or the
whole thing falls apart.

If you want something reasonably close, you could do what a lot of the
Template Toolkit code does and use arrays with constants for key
names.  Here's an example:

package Dog;

use constant NAME => 1;
use constant ID   => 2;

sub new {
  my $self = [];
  $self->[ NAME ] = 'spot';
  $self->[ ID ]   = 7; 
  return bless $self;

Or something like that, and make accessors for the member data.  I think
there are CPAN modules which can automate this for you if you wish.

- Perrin

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