On Sat, 28 Apr 2001, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

> As I think I mentioned, it's great that the people like you on this list 
> have a passion for delivering cool software.
> I may have missed the intent of these two posts (micropayment and messaging 
> engines), but unfortunately, I don't really consider either of these items 
> to be application-level items. I consider them infrastructure.
> eg it's nice that SmartWorker (as a toolkit) is open source, but opendesk 
> is closed source. And it's the applications (ironically) in opendesk that 
> make smart worker worth taking a look at. But it cripples (hope I don't 
> upset anyone) SmartWorker's marketing to have opendesk closed source 
> because people prefer downloading apps and then they learn about the 
> framework it was developed in. Rarely is it the other way around.
> People rarely look at toolkits like payment gateways and messaging servers 
> unless there is an application that fits their needs that they can use 
> which happens to use these backend components.

Actually there's an exception to this rule. Look at Zope.


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