On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, Doug MacEachern wrote:

> On Sat, 28 Apr 2001, Stas Bekman wrote:
> > Hey, we have a product -- mod_perl. All we need is to nicely pack it,
> > start selling it, support it and put the money back into mod_perl R&D.
> Covalent does this already.  all of the "bundle" products include
> mod_perl, and anybody can buy support packages where support for mod_perl
> is covered.

Oh, I didn't know that [Covalent sells mod_perl]. I guess that's because
I'm not on the buyer side. Does it announce this fact? So why don't we
have a link to Covalent from the perl.apache.org site? I think this is
very essential for mod_perl to tell people that there are companies which
sell mod_perl and provide a support! I think Covalent won't mind to have a
such a link too.

> Covalent also puts a great deal of resources back into
> mod_perl "R&D" (me :)

This fact is well known and appreciated :) Thanks to Randy and other
Covalent folks!!!

> not to say it couldn't be taken a few steps further, bundling a Perl
> distribution and useful CPAN modules along with it.  and of course,
> Covalent is the only company that can offer such a product.

You mean Covalent is the only company that can offer such a product now.
It doesn't mean that some other company will provide a better packaging
and sell it too, right?

IBM is selling their WebSphere, which is essentially pretty much a
slightly modified Apache server. I'm sure they can sell mod_perl too. I
think having someone like IBM backing up mod_perl will give mod_perl a
huge boost in product recognition. Think about IBM's PR capabilities.

So do other big companies. We just need to find a way to make them want to
do that. That's why I thought that may be some of the employees from those
companies are listening now, take notes, talk to their managers, get the
lead, hire more mod_perl programmers, and make the world a better place to

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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