On Fri, Apr 27, 2001 at 10:01:39AM -0700, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
> At 12:00 PM 4/27/01 -0400, JR Mayberry wrote:
> >there will be more dreams jobs like you described.. simple fact is, I
> >couldn't name more then 3 companies in my area who use it, and I never
> >expect to do work with it again.
> ... on the other hand, even as recently as one year ago, it was almost 
> impossible for our company (in southern california) to find mod_perl 
> programmers.  Our last few job searches, tho, we've been able to find a 
> *very* good supply of applicants with mod_perl experience... it's no longer 
> been an issue.  (Most mod_perl applicants seem to have come by their 
> experience from working on college campuses, BTW... which is another 
> interesting -- and valuable -- change.  Not the fact that schools use it, 
> but the _volume_ of applicants who are now learning it there.)

well, i suspect a lot of those candidates actually surfaced as other
idealab-backed companies either tanked or shifted direction. the
death of etoys freed up a number of mod_perl-savvy developers. :)

(in all seriousness, though, idealab and many of the companies it
has spawned is a mod_perl-friendly place.)

and my experience is that you don't need to hire mod_perl experts --
specific skillsets are some distance down on the list of things i
look at in hiring someone. given a good framework to develop in,
and a good programmer who is willing to learn, mod_perl skills
will bloom.

but, outside of the linux companies and covalent, i don't know where
one would look for a job just developing mod_perl itself.


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