On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, Kyle Dawkins wrote:

> I've taken a look at many of them (Tangram? a few others) and haven't been
> impressed with any of them.  I think part of the problem is that they're all
> being developed in a bit of a vacuum.  But let's capitalise on the interest
> that this thread has generated to start a push for something that we can all
> use.  I think even the dudes who embed their SQL in perl could be made to
> realise the benefits if we all started using a common framework.  Thoughts?

Well, people are starting to use my tool, Alzabo (alzabo.sourceforge.net)
and I'm getting feedback.  More feedback about what people want it always
welcome.  FWIW, Alzabo gives you a reasonable amount of control over the
SQL that is generated, if you need it.  It doesn't yet allow optimizer
hints but that will change in a future version.

OTOH, if you really _need_ to get into the nitty gritty details of SQL its
hard to imagine that any abstraction layer would ever be satisfactory.


We await the New Sun

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