have you folks seen kylix?

check out this white paper that describes how to create cgis
and modules for apache:

kylix looks pretty much like ye olde application framework,
just like what many of us have built in the past, plus a gui
that allows boneheads to drag and drop application
components and right click to configure the application's
properties, resulting in an immediately deployable cgi or
dso ("rad", or "rapid application development").

competition with this product (which has some really
freaking license clauses which you can read about on
freshmeat) seems pretty easy:

1) create a suite of standard web components (such as

2) build a gui to let you easily assemble and configure
those components (and your custom components) into an
application; and

3) provide a compiler tool that creates the cgi executable
or module dso given the inputs from #2.

the kylix netclx layer, defining actions (which are
dispatched according to the value of the path info) and page
producers (which generate html forms), is your standard mvc
design. no real innovation there, we have several to choose
from on cpan and in our own cvs repositories.

one question is: what frameworks and components to use (task
#1). you could limit the tool to one framework, say mason,
or you could support an abstraction layer (libservlet comes
to mind :) which would allow you to select mason or tt or
axkit as you prefer.

anybody interested?

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