On Sun, 13 Jan 2002, brian moseley wrote:

> On Sun, 13 Jan 2002, Sam Tregar wrote:
> >
> > Agree.
> you know, i think it's this attitude, or a more insidious
> version of it, that keeps mod_perl from being as ubiquitous
> as php. it's like having to pledge the frat before you can
> get the hot chicks. i, for one, would like to see more
> people getting interested in making it easy for people who
> don't practice black magic to take advantage of mod_perl.

Ah, gimme a break.  You want to convince me that non-programmers can find
their way to the party with a fancy GUI?  Go right ahead!  I'll let you
wear the moose-hat for a whole week if you succeed.  However, that doesn't
mean I'm going to stay quiet about just how unlikely I think it is!

Kylix is not a new idea - it's an old, mostly unsuccessful one ported to
Linux by an old and mostly unsuccessful company.  If it had worked then
we'd all be out of business and most commercial apps would be "written" by
business majors with Delphi.


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