On Sat, 12 Jan 2002, Perrin Harkins wrote:

> Well, does this product actually have any users to
> compete for?

unknown. i figure a large established software company isn't
going to spend time developing a product for a market that
doesn't exist, but you never know.

> GUI builders usually don't work for anything but the
> most trivial websites that could be written in anything
> and do fine.

consider struts, a popular java mvc framework. it defines
simple interfaces for things like actions and forms. does
struts (and mvc in general) work for non trivial websites?

a struts-oriented rad tool could easily scan WEB-INF dirs to
find action and form classes and represent them in the gui.
the main purpose of the tool would be to assemble and
configure those classes in order to generate a
struts-config.xml file. it could also incorporate ide

> People seem to come to mod_perl because they need more
> performance or more control than they can get from CGI.
> I'm not sure I want to try and draw in users who can't
> program at all.

why do you think this tool would appeal to people who can't
program at all?

consider the popularity of java and c++ ides. do you think
it's possible that people who use those languages might
switch to perl if tools like this existed to generate
webapps in perl?

many of us on this list have well-developed preferences for
editing and debugging our code, configuring and testing our
applications that are based on executing shell commands in a
terminal. don't you think there are lots of well developed
advocacy reasons for offering an alternative paradigm?

said another way, just cos *you* don't use gui development
tools to develop modperl apps doesn't mean there aren't
heaps of people out there who'd love to do just that.

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