At 06:16 AM 1/14/2002, brian moseley wrote:
>On Sun, 13 Jan 2002, Sam Tregar wrote:
> > On Sat, 12 Jan 2002, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> >
> > > Well, does this product actually have any users to compete for?  GUI
> > > builders usually don't work for anything but the most trivial websites
> > > that could be written in anything and do fine.  People seem to come to
> > > mod_perl because they need more performance or more control than they
> > > can get from CGI.
> >
> > Agree.
>you know, i think it's this attitude, or a more insidious
>version of it, that keeps mod_perl from being as ubiquitous
>as php. it's like having to pledge the frat before you can
>get the hot chicks. i, for one, would like to see more
>people getting interested in making it easy for people who
>don't practice black magic to take advantage of mod_perl.

OK, I learned mod_perl, now where are my hot chicks! :)

I think a UI tool would help a bit, but it wouldn't necessarily solve the 
hard part of mod_perl which is the lack of Interpreter cleanup between 
invocations. PHP and ASP clear their variables at the start so it seems 
harder for applications to overwrite each other and cause weird subtle bugs.

I guess there is PerlRun (but it's not true cleanup) or PerlRestart, but 
that's really slow

To some degree, the nature of mod_perl "feels like" it makes it harder.

A UI would help though especially if it had a debugger that learned when 
attached to a given httpd process what variables were being preserved and 
reused over and over again... so you could trace those things down.

A point to note... even though we give out free Perl and Java applications, 
we feel that even our own config files are large and therefore daunting for 
beginners so we have been doing R&D to come up with a web interface to 
create config files for MVC based web apps. A UI is not what we want 
because we'd like people to go through the wizard and then be able to 
download a pre-packaged app.

I Think making things "easier" is always a "noble" effort but it's not 
always clear until you try, what is truly easier. 1 size doesn't usually 
fit all. Many peple like IDEs, many people hate them...


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