You should take a look at Bricolage ( 
It's a relatively new, but comprehensive, CMS that is based on Mason & 
mod_perl. I think it supports most of the things you mentioned below, but 
you should ask the developers to be sure.

If you talk w/ Matt, he'll be sure to hawk AxKit. But then that's Matt. And 
AxKit really is cool stuff. :-)


At 05:06 PM 2/6/2002 -0800, Nate Campi wrote:
>Lets pretend I work for Wired News, and I really really hate Vignette's
>content management system. I mean *really* hate it. I'm the Ops guy
>supporting it and I have nightmares about the next unexplained CMS
>Ok, we all know mod_perl is the right choice to replace their system,
>but what is the right way to go when you have a full news staff with
>many stories going out six days a week, and about a million hits a day?
>You need all the workflow tools for the news staff, versioning, stories
>going live at defined times and dates, etc, etc. I don't have the exact
>requirements, as I'm just trying to collect my thoughts right now, to
>bring my ideas to the software guys in a couple days. I can get the
>exact requirements if needed.
>I like Mason's way of doing things, and it works for (similar
>needs), but now that we have AxKit, is that the right way to go? Seems
>better to force the separation of content and display, and using XML
>allows the stories to be easily shared for display on affiliated sites.
>Thoughts? I'm thinking of even donating my mediocre coding skills if
>they take my advice on this - die Vignette!! I'll do my part to slay the
>evil beast.
>Oh, I mean if this wasn't all hypothetical - I wouldn't discuss internal
>issues like this with the general public ;)
>"Usenet isn't a right. It's a right, a left, and a swift uppercut to the
>jaw."  -Computer Museum (Boston)

Drew Taylor                     JA[P|m_p|SQL]H      Just Another Perl|mod_perl|SQL Hacker
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      *** God bless America! ***

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