Nate Campi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Lets pretend I work for Wired News, and I really really hate Vignette's
> content management system. I mean *really* hate it. I'm the Ops guy
> supporting it and I have nightmares about the next unexplained CMS
> crash.
> Ok, we all know mod_perl is the right choice to replace their system,
> but what is the right way to go when you have a full news staff with
> many stories going out six days a week, and about a million hits a day?

My .02c:

1. Draw a REALLY sharp distinction between CMS and publishing the

2. Deliver the bulk of the content from a Template Toolkit,
include-driven system. 

3. Find a system that does what you need on the content management
end, what the pages out to files.

4. Do _not_ try to serve content from a database - keep it simple.

5. Many things you'd think about doing in mod_perl you can probably do
in mod_rewrite on the front-end Apache.

Um, that's all I can think of for now.

Dave Hodgkinson, Wizard for Hire
Editor-in-chief, The Highway Star 
   Interim Technical Director, Web Architecture Consultant for hire

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