I'm not really involved with the project but it looks to me that bricolage
is heading towards content generation abstraction (there's support for
Mason and HTML::Template). Therefore, I would imagine that if you wanted
to use AxKit as a content generator, you could.

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Feb 2002, Drew Taylor wrote:
> > You should take a look at Bricolage (http://bricolage.thepirtgroup.com/).
> > It's a relatively new, but comprehensive, CMS that is based on Mason &
> > mod_perl. I think it supports most of the things you mentioned below, but
> > you should ask the developers to be sure.
> >
> > If you talk w/ Matt, he'll be sure to hawk AxKit. But then that's Matt. And
> > AxKit really is cool stuff. :-)
> Well I'd rather recommend whatever works for people. Bricolage certainly
> seems full featured, and it looks easy enough to add XSLT support to it,
> though I haven't had chance to download and try that yet.
> As far as AxKit based CMS's go, well I was writing one but it died in the
> dot-bomb as I became an "Anti Spam and Virus Technologist" (which is
> actually a really nice change from web hacking). As far as other CMS's,
> Robin has already mentioned XIMS and his Tesserra, but forgot about this
> one: http://www.callistocms.com/ which simply blew my mind looking at the
> graphics. I guess I'm easily pleased ;-) I don't know if that one is going
> to be free or not though.


Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | AIM/yahoo: iankallen

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