Perrin Harkins wrote:
> Andy Lester wrote:
> > I want my MyFilter to process EVERYTHING that Apache spits out, whether
> > with mod_perl, mod_php or just reading a .html file from the filesystem,
> > especially the mod_php stuff.
> Assuming you mean you want to look at the generated content from
> non-mod_perl handlers and do something with it, apache doesn't work that
> way.  Apache 2.0 does, but that won't help you right now.  You might try
> using a proxy server setup to do this instead.

ah, yes.  right, you can't intercept the output of other content
handlers, like mod_php or mod_cgi.  you can get to stuff handled by
mod_perl via Apache::Filter, or stuff that would be handled by core
Apache by manipulating the resource on disk directly (using
$r->filename), but that's about it.  at least for 1.3 (though I've
always been curious how mod_gzip works with 1.3)

seems I had my brain in the wrong place - thanks Perrin.


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