Hi all,

We're using mod_perl 1.26 and Apache 1.3.22 on kernel 2.2 and 2.4 on
a few machines.  We upgraded to Apache 1.3.22 several weeks ago and
have been experiencing some strange problems.

At random times Apache stops serving requests.  Trying to bring up
a request brings up a "server not found" error.  When I log in to
the box, however, Apache is running and all the processes are in
a sleep state.

There doesn't seem to be any relation between load or traffic level.
It's happened at peak times of day, in the middle of the night,
you name it.

The last entry reported in the Apache error log is:

[Wed Feb 27 21:01:00 2002] [error] (32)Broken pipe: accept:
(client socket)

If I do a kill -HUP requests start being served correctly

We're running several other machines on Apache 1.3.22 and I've
only really run into this problem on the mod_perl boxes.  I'm
left scratching my head on this one, can anyone help?  My web
searches have come up empty!

Thanks for any input you might have!


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