As far as I understand, it should be a chain of handlers. It's very close to
one of my current projects. You have to serve one of the early stages of the
request to decide what handler is appropriate for the content generation
phase in particular conditions, and dynamically install that handler, which
in fact should be a kind of content filter...

Best regards,
Slava Bizyayev

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andy Lester" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 12:00 PM
Subject: Making perl handlers handle non-Perl

> How can I get mod_perl to handle all Apache output, whether or not it
> originates with mod_perl?
> I'm writing a module that needs to analyze all output generated by Apache.
> That's easy enough with stacked handlers, but I'm goofing something up
> with, say, static HTML.
> If I do this:
>         <Location /test>
>                 PerlHandler     MyFilter
>         </Location>
> Then static HTML gets served up OK, but MyFilter doesn't seem to get
> called.  Or is it, and I'm screwing something up in the filter?
> And of course if I do this:
>         <Location /test>
> SetHandler perl-script
>                 PerlHandler     MyFilter
>         </Location>
> Then I get no output because the .html files that I'm trying to serve up
> out of /test aren't Perl.
> Pointers please?  I've got both the Cookbook and the Eagle book if you
> want to just point to a page.
> Thanks,
> Andy
> --
> %_=split/;/,".;;n;u;e;ot;t;her;c; ".   #   Andy Lester
> 'Perl ;@; a;a;j;m;er;y;t;p;n;d;s;o;'.  #
> "hack";print map delete$_{$_},split//,q<   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   >

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