
PL>One other tip... write a small script (or modify apachectl) to start
PL>apache with a port number matched to your unix UID.  This keeps
PL>developers from using clashing port numbers.
PL>  httpd -c "Port $UID" -c "Listen $UID"

At Tellme we find it easiest to run multiple Apaches, one per developer.
We share the same base Perl and Perl modules; we develop modules with
Makefile.PL's and use "use blib" in our included personal httpd.pl's to
get to our own versions of library code.

We run our Apaches on a shared box, because our production infrastructure
is pretty different from a userland Linux box. We just run on multiple
ports, by default we use our telephone extensions for the port number--so
we don't have any conflicts between users. If there are problems with
load, lower MinServers/MaxServers/StartServers/MaxClients.

The individual configs and logs go into our home directories, the only
caveat for our setup is that our homedirs are mounted over NFS so we have
to explicitly specify a Lockfile on local disk.

We usually go one up on Paul's suggestion and just put a personal copy of
apachectl into our personal bin directories (perhaps renamed "myapache")
and just change some paths and add a -f when running Apache to make it
find the right config file.

We find that this works great for development, and lets us still depend on
the same Perl/Apache builds we use on production.



Andrew Ho               http://www.tellme.com/       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Engineer                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Voice 650-930-9062
Tellme Networks, Inc.       1-800-555-TELL            Fax 650-930-9101

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