At 22:46 30.03.2002, John Kolvereid wrote:
>Hi Per,
>    I did get my Apache to work w/ mod_perl only by
>using the following configurations:


>My home page loads into the browser and when I try to
>link to a .pl page in /perl/ where
>      SetHandler  perl-script
>      PerlHandle  Apache::Registry
>it loads fine.  One problem is that when I try to link
>to an ordinary html page in /perl/ I get an error:
>      <head>
>      <title>Mod_perl</title>
>      </head>
>      <body>
>      <center>Hello World</center>
>      </body
>Not quite sure why. (Any ideas).

Doesn't look like an error to me :)

Anyway, you can't load normal HTML files out of your /perl/ directory. This 
is because mod_perl and Apache::Registry take over the whole handling of 
requests for that directory, thereby thinking *any* file is an 
Apache::Registry file.
Your normal files (HTML, text, images...) should go into another part of 
your document root.

>    Now I guess I will begin the arduous task of trying
>to install SSL, PHP, JSP, webapps additionally.  Any
>advice.  Thanks.

Good luck... But I wouldn't install all that if you don't need it. It's 
likely to cause you problems.
One soluton might be to have different servers running those modules with a 
proxy serving the requests.. See the Guide for tips ( ).
But it's good news you have mod_perl working Ok.

Per Einar Ellefsen

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