Hi Perrin, Ged and Stas,
   Thanks for responding to my problem.  Fact is I am
the administrator of our server which has an Apache
web server w/ ssl and php.  I am also the programmer
writing CGI perl scripts which interact w/ Oracle and
mySQL on our web site.  I thought it would reduce the
server's overhead if we could convert the CGI perl
scripts to something like mod_perl OR JSP.  JSP loaded
like a charm, mod_perl was anything but.  Problem w/
JSP is that I would have to convert all the scripts to
Java - not an undaunting task, but time-consuming.  I
would rather use mod_perl if it would co-operate.

   Perrin, I have no idea if DSO is still involved, 
it seemed to be one of the earlier attempts, and may
still be hanging around - not sure.  I think DSO is
the Unix equivalent to Windows dlls. I also think I
read that they are not as stable - not sure.

   Perhaps someone can look at the build I use when
trying to install mod_perl (v1.26) and Apache
and tell me what I am doing wrong.  Here they are:

  perl Makefile.PL \
  DO_HTTPD=1 \
  SSL_BASE=/usr/local/ssl \
  APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache \
  APACHE_SRC=/home/ssl/apache_1.3.23 \


     SSL_BASE=../openssl-0.9.6b configure \
        --enable-module=ssl \
        --enable-module=proxy \
        --enable-module=info \
        --enable-module=status \
        --enable-shared=ssl \
        --enable-shared=proxy \

   The steps I perform are as follows:

     1.  bld.mod_perl
     2.  make
     3.  make install
         note. I can't use make test because I don't
have LWP.

     4.  make install

   After I install the apache server I check the
httpd.conf.  In it are 2 key lines:

      LoadModule perl_module  libexec/libperl.so
      AddModule mod_perl.c

If I leave them alone the when I try to bring up any
web page from the server on a browser I get the msg
(in a stand alone window):
    'The document contained no data'
and nothing appears on my browser.  However the
error_log indicates that mod_perl is indeed installed.
When I comment out the AddModule mod_perl.c line then
I can bring up web pages on my browser, but the
error_log indicates that mod_perl is NOT installed.

   The line
        Include conf/mod_perl.conf
is also contained in my httpd.conf, and it is


    PerlRequire conf/mod_perl.pl
    PerlFreshRestart On

    <Location /hello/world>
      SetHandler  perl-script
      PerlHandler Apache::Hello

    Alias /perl/ /home/httpd/perl/
    PerlModule Apache::Registry
    <Location /perl>
      SetHandler  perl-script
      PerlHandler Apache::Registry
      PerlSendHeader On
      Options ExecCGI

This does not give any error that it cannot be read
and therefore I am led to believe that mod_perl IS
installed.  However, when I try to browse my hello.pl
file (from Apache Modules w/ Perl & C, pp 42-4) it
displays it as text rather than an html page.  It's as
if the Options ExecCGI were not applied.

   Ged, I had earlier tried to build mod_perl and
apache w/o ssl, and php  but I ran into an immediate
problem and gave up.  Before I began I mved the entire
web server to another location, the built it as if
from scratch using very simple builds.  The problem I
encountered was that I could not start apache.  I will
try it again by modifying the basic builds.

   I apologize for all the pleas for help but I don't
know where else to turn.  As I mentioned earlier, if I
cannot install it I might have to give up and switch
to JSP - that does work.  Quite frankly, I have been
reading so much stuff on the configuration of mod_perl
my head is beginning to spin out of control.

   Thanks again.

        John Kolvereid
--- Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stas Bekman wrote:
> > Arh, I mean to use the hints how to get the core
> dump backtrace.
> Hang on, this guy is just trying to do an install. 
> He shouldn't need to 
> troubleshoot at that low a level.
> John, who built this server and why is it DSO?  If
> you have control of 
> this system, I would recommend that you simply start
> over and build 
> Apache/mod_perl statically, following the
> instructions that come in the 
> mod_perl package.  It completely avoids all of the
> AddModule business 
> that is getting you confused.
> I've always avoided DSO like the plague, but if
> you're really determined 
> to use it your best bet is to let the mod_perl build
> script do the 
> LoadModule/AddModule stuff for you, which it will do
> if you tell it to 
> with the USE_DSO=1 flag.
> - Perrin

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