Perrin Harkins wrote:

> (Anyone know if mod_ssl somehow forces you to use DSO?)

it doesn't force you to use DSO.

i recently built a new server set-up using mod_proxy/mod_ssl
on the front end, and two different back ends, one with mod_perl,
and the other with mod_php.  the server is set-up to handle virtual
hosts on the front-end and on the mod_perl back end.  i could
have easily added virtual hosting for the mod_php backend,
but i am only running some canned software for intranet use,
so it was unnecessary.

i did this for a few reasons:
1 ) i don't have to recompile everything if there is a bug found in any
of the independent modules ( but i have to recompile everything to upgrade
apache.  :-(  )
2) i think the overall memory footprint will be smaller.
3) each of the separate servers is simpler and therefore less error prone.
4) i get the standard advantages when using a proxy in front of mod_perl.

i have done some initial testing without any problems.  i need to some more
stress testing and then put it in production before fully recommending this
set-up to others.


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