On 4/4/02 at 1:07 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wilson, Allen) wrote:

> In reference to PDF::Create...
> Has anyone found any good documentation behind the module...
> I would like to print the results of a query to PDF and I not exactly
> sure whether I can use an array or a concatenate the results in a
> string.
> Allen

AFAIK, the only docs are what comes with the distribution. For tabluar reports,
I retrieve all my results as array's which get fed to a function that calculates
x,y pixel offsets and print each item to its position. If you want to make a
string out of each row, you'll have to use a fixed width font and calculate the
needed spaces to pad each column and you'll still need to track vertical pixel
position for each row, so it didn't seem to be  much less work to me to go that

Anyway, as I pointed out in my initial question, though PDF::Create has worked
flawlessly for me for the last two years, it definitely seems to have been
orphaned by its creator. If you're just getting started with perl-PDF
generation, why not choose one of those recommended in this thread? My
inclination would be use Matt Sergeant's PDFlib which seems well designed, but I
have a (probably unjustifiable) knee-jerk reaction against having to license
products. So, I'll give PDF::API2 a whack.


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