Quoting David Ressman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> something's caching previously entered form data and displaying it back
> to me as the default values in those same forms.  As an example, this
> form has a text field that asks for IP addresses, and the text input
> will occasionally be filled out with the IP address of a system that
> you had entered a few minutes ago.

If you do a view source in the browser, and check the form fields, do they have
the VALUE="..." paramters set?  ie do you see something like this:

<input type="text" name="ipaddress" value="">

If that value="" is set in any of your form fields, then your script
is the cuprit.  If your form fields don't have the value="" set, or
it is set to value="", then your browser is the culprit.

Most modern browsers will offer to remember values you have entered into a form.
 On subsequent visits to the same URL, the values will be prefilled by the
browser for you.

mod_perl itself will never prefill form values for you.  It is completely up to
your script (or the modules it uses) to munge the data coming through.

It is possible that you are creating your form fields with CGI.pm, which will
use the currently POSTed parameters to prefill the form, or if you are using a
module like HTML::FillInForm, which will also prefill form fields.  But you
would have to explicitly use these features in your script.



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