On Thu, 2003-05-29 at 16:40, David Ressman wrote:
> That's just the problem.  The value="" parameter *is* filled out (and
> it is being done at the server end as evidenced by the network sniffer.)
> Unfortunately, my script is not doing it.  Here's what I have in the
> script:
>       print "IP Address: ",
>         $cgi->textfield(-name=>'ipaddress', -size=>20, -maxlength=>20),
>         $cgi->p;

CGI.pm uses sticky widgets by default.  These are supposed to be cleared
between requests though, by a cleanup handler that CGI.pm uses.  Are you
using mod_perl 2, by any chance?  I think I see a bug in CGI.pm's
handling of this for mod_perl 2.  It's looking for Apache->request,
which doesn't work unless you have Apache::compat on.

You might also run into problems if you are copying the CGI object into
a global or accidentally creating a closure with it.  If you can post a
very small test case that exhibits the problem, we can probably tell you
if you have either of those issues.

- Perrin

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