Hello again,
I have another problem trying to get one of my Perl modules to load in my startup.pl script for the first time. In a couple places in my scripts, I assume that the current directory is the one in which the current script is being run. So for example, if my DocumentRoot is D:/htdocs/ and someone requests http://myhostname/script.cgi, if I need to use some files, my current directory is D:/htdocs.
The two things I currently do this for are
a) configuration file, which is loaded on startup by the module I am trying to get loaded in my startup.pl script
b) templates (for template-toolkit), which I specify to be in the directory 'templates' relative to the location where the scripts are running, meaning they are in D:/htdocs/templates.
I see only disadvantages to having to specify absolute paths in both these cases. For one, I have another web server running on port 8080, which I use to test my scripts on, and whose DocumentRoot is D:/htdocs-dev. So if I had to manually change the paths each time I copied files over from the development DocumentRoot to the production one, I would go crazy.
Is there a way to guarantee that the current directory will be the correct one when I need it to? Or does anyone have another suggestion?
Jean-Sébastien Guay                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Developer, Hybride         http://www.hybride.com
Piedmont, Québec, Canada

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