> One way is to configure the CPAN module:
>    C:\> perl -MCPAN -e shell
> which, the first time you invoke it, will lead you through
> a dialogue. You can accept most of the defaults, except
> for the list of CPAN mirrors to use. Then, at the
> CPAN.pm shell prompt, you can say
>   cpan> install CGI

Thanks for answering Randy, but I got a working PPM module of CGI for HP-UX
and modified the module's description files to make PPM think it's for
Win32. Since it's just Perl code, and not XS, should work. If anyone wants
this PPM, I can make it available. Though it would be more useful on a known

But I still get the same message...

> [Mon Aug 04 09:31:57 2003] [error] Global $r object is not available. Set:
>         PerlOptions +GlobalRequest
> in httpd.conf at D:/Perl/lib/CGI.pm line 307.
> Compilation failed in require at D:/htdocs/_startup.pl line 33.

Is there anything else I can check other than the CGI.pm version?

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