Hi Perrin,

Thanks for both your answers. Indeed, for the other question, I was using
CGI 2.91 instead of 2.93 (because that one isn't yet available for Perl 5.8
via PPM). I'll find a way to upgrade it.

> There are dozens of possible answers to this.
> There are also common approaches like passing some kind of application
> root either in an environment variable or in httpd.conf with a
> PerlSetVar.

Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work. Even if I put the PerlSetVar
statement before my PerlRequire statement like so:

PerlSetVar SCRIPT_ROOT "D:/htdocs"
PerlRequire "D:/htdocs/_startup.pl"

the module, which is then loaded from _startup.pl, sees only undef when I
try to print $ENV{SCRIPT_ROOT}; ... I also tried to do this right before
use()ing my module:

$ENV{SCRIPT_ROOT} = 'D:/htdocs';

and it gives the same result. Could the problem come from the fact that
_startup.pl is trying to load the module before Apache is actually finished
loading, so the environment is not in a valid state at that point? What else
could cause this?



Jean-Sébastien Guay                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Developer, Hybride         http://www.hybride.com
Piedmont, Québec, Canada

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