> I've actually pinpointed the problem to one HTML tag in the output that
> Template-Toolkit sends to Apache as a result of the cgi script's run.

Actually, I've just found out another thing, which is really weird. If I
just change the amount of whitespace in the template file (see the zip file
linked in my last post), I can make Apache crash or not.

Open up the template file, remove the <nobr> and </nobr> tags, and refresh
the browser. It should display the page with the header. Go back to the
template file, place the cursor right after the </title> tag (on the same
line), and press enter 3 times. There should be 3 blank lines between the
title tags and the </head> tag. Refresh the browser. In my case, it crashes.
Also, 1 or 2 empty lines doesn't crash, but 3 or more does.

I'm beginning to think there must be something very wrong with my own code.
I'm almost sure it isn't something with Apache or TT. I must just not be
seeing it.

Thanks for helping,


Jean-Sébastien Guay                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Developer, Hybride         http://www.hybride.com
Piedmont, Québec, Canada

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