That would rock.   Count me in.   I'd also be willing to take some of my
free time and help out where possible, whether it be building some
example sites, or whatever.   Would be nice to have others scrutinize my
style a bit, too.

It might also be nice to have some sort of well organized knowledge base
on or near the site.   A place where common issues or
problems could have resolutions beyond the standard documentation.

Here are some ideas for example scripts... Even though there may be
modules out there that provide similar functionality, they might be good
to help users better their knowledge about all the things that can be
done with mp1/2.  Figure it would be good to make some that reside in
places other than PerlResponseHandler.

Form submissions auth (w/ cookies)
 Basic auth with a file
 Basic auth with a db

In mp2, a quick input validation filter would be cool.

Session management
 w/ & w/o ::Session

Dynamic page content from a db
 and management of content?
  Maybe using xml/xslt?
   - and mp2 version using apache_xml to parse?


-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Wiles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 9:56 AM
To: Stas Bekman
Subject: Re: mod_perl presence at OSCON (and other CONs) is at danger

  Since many of us will be in Portland for OSCON, maybe we should get
  together in person to discuss mod_perl PR in more detail? Perhaps
  even create a small group of people to help with PR much like the 
  PostgreSQL group has recently done with their advocacy group. 

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