>>>>> "Geoffrey" == Geoffrey Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Geoffrey> I can't say how disappointed I am in this post, and your
Geoffrey> behavior in general here.  the fact is that this is a
Geoffrey> complex issue, for developers and users alike, but all you
Geoffrey> have done to help is throw harsh criticisms against those
Geoffrey> who work the hardest.  do you really want to see mod_perl
Geoffrey> 2.0 fail?  have you nothing to offer our community now
Geoffrey> besides criticisms and negative press?

Geoffrey> please be a part of the community and help make a good
Geoffrey> product even better - we can use all the genuine help we can
Geoffrey> get.  I would hate to see your obvious talents used solely
Geoffrey> to disrespect to stas and the others who have worked very,
Geoffrey> very hard to bring you mod_perl.

I *want* modperl to succeed.  I *want* modperl2 to succeed.  I believe
Stas has made two significant errors in this process, however:

1) expecting people to not have modperl1 for a significant time
   following the modperl2 release, like everyone would "upgrade
   tomorrow" thus trivializing the overlap issue.

2) expecting every step of the Perl distribution network to
   accommodate the hacky "use Apache2" solution instead of working on
   a more compatible solution.  This means the CPAN indexer, the
   CPAN/CPANP installation tools, the "perldoc" command, and manpage
   installation (and others that I'm probably forgetting) which
   presume that Perl's installation @INC won't be magically mangled.

I was not made aware of *either* of these errors until recently.  So,
maybe my ranting seems a bit "day late and dollar short", but these
mistakes are both critical to modperl2's acceptance into the

I would love to help.  Tell me how.  So far, the only thing I can see
to do is to report these mistakes so that they can be discussed.  I've
seen reasonable support for my position... in fact, the only strong
opposition appears to be Stas!  And this is perfectly understandable.
Stas has invested himself in an unworkable path.  It'll take some work
to sort it out.  I'm willing to help with that.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<merlyn@stonehenge.com> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
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