Joe Schaefer wrote:
Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Joe Schaefer wrote:

My only gripe with the mp2
release candidates is that I would have liked to see a few production
mp2 releases on CPAN before its mp1 indexing starts to disappear.

Sure, you can ask Andreas to not index mp2 and any other 3rd party modules. But why making mp2 users suffer?

I still can't understand the definition of 'a few production
releases'. How will you know when it's OK to switch the direction of
the blade and make the mp1 users suffer?

When the conversation changes from "Why did you guys do that?" to
"When will you guys do that?". By putting one or two official mp2 releases "out there" that don't have the mp1 reindexing snafu, we're saying "mp2 is ready to rock now, but you may still have to dig a little bit to find it on CPAN. However, that'll be
changing in the next release or so."

It may be a bit easier to get our volunteer "broadcast network" to lament mp1's eventual passing, yet still deliver the message above
faithfully. I'm not sure that will happen with the current release
plan, and that's not a great way to kick off mp2's coming-out party.

I'm not against from hiding mp2 from index. I just don't understand how does it make the mp2.0 release any better?

  "Hey, modperl 2.0 is available, but you can't get it from CPAN
   using the familiar tools.

Will you then go and notify the mp2 users: "we favor you now, please
come back and use the CPAN tools" and notify the mp1 users: "excuse
us, but mp1 was phased out, and we no longer support it via CPAN, so
please find and download modules manually from now on"

Nope, not at all. It's about giving the entire community
a chance to embrace the production version of mp2, and also to
disseminate its implications for mp1 far and wide. Nobody's
kicking mp1 out the door, but without some grace period to digest the changes, I'm worried many people may react that way.

And hide the real problem with CPAN again. People will react either way, since this suggestion doesn't remove the problem, it just re-throws it in a difference direction.

Originally the _RC1 vs -RC1 was a slip, but I'm glad that it has
happened earlier and not when 2.0.0 was released, since it has raised
the problems earlier. And since we have mp2.0.0 scheduled for the
beginning of January, that RC1 slip doesn't make much difference

+1, it's good to discuss everything now, rather than after the release.

Yeah, and this allowed us to find several issues with the indexer (e.g. PAUSE chokes if it finds more than one META.yml file in the same distro).
which were solved in the current svn (it took 2 releases to discover them all).

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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