On Fri, 2005-11-18 at 05:13 +0300, Plymouth Rock wrote:
>  Anybody who uses current major versions of pre-built binaries of the:
> Apache2 + mod_perl2 + Apache::DBI + PostgreSQL8

When asking for help, please be specific about what you're using.
There's a description of what to send here:

> [Thu Nov 17 23:35:39 2005] [error] Can't load Perl file: C:/Program
> Files/Apache Group/Apache2/conf/startup.pl for server localhost:80,
> exiting...

What's the error before that?  That should be the actual problem.

> But what does it mean when
> saying
> "Can't load..."?

It means your startup.pl has a problem in it and won't compile or didn't
return true.

- Perrin

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