On 7/4/11 7:54 PM, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

On 4 Jul 2011, at 11:03, Tosh Cooey wrote:

The only public AMI for EC2 setup with mod_perl I can easily find is an 
OpenSuse one from 2009.

Services like Bitnami are a really nice platform for launching LAMP stacks, 
unfortunately the P is anything but Perl :(

Is there a reason for the lack of plug'n'play mod_perl LAMP cloud service 
providers?  Or are there a ton that I just don't know about?

Glad you're happy with perl 5.8.8 and old, possibly buggy CPAN modules.

I'm not happy, hence the complaining about the AMI from 2009. But I'm glad you changed the subject from your first one, which is that I should build my own stack.

So basically you are saying (and only you, not a community voice) that in order to be a mod_perl developer one also needs to:

1) Build and optimize Apache.
2) Build and optimize MySql.
3) Build and optimize Perl+mod_perl.
4) Build and optimize a Linux server environment.
5) Have enough money to pay for all of the above.

I understand the Renaissance Man appeal, we all want to be da Vinci, but that's hardly practical when a good dev needs to know perl, JS, some JS library (ie. jQuery), HTML, and CSS. And let's be honest, what hot admin who can do 1-4 above really wants to perfect their knowledge of CSS and JS?!

And to address Herr Schumacher, of course no mod_perl environment will be perfect, they will all need to be tweaked, but changing a startup.pl and adding needed modules is not the same as steps 1-4 above.

You could just say, "what you complain about seems to be a hole in the market" rather than trying to dismiss the need.


McIntosh Cooey - Twelve Hundred Group LLC - http://www.1200group.com/

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