On 5 Jul 2011, at 08:53, Tosh Cooey wrote:

> On 7/4/11 11:26 PM, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
>>> I'm not happy, hence the complaining about the AMI from 2009.  But I'm glad 
>>> you changed the subject from your first one, which is that I should build 
>>> my own stack.
>>> So basically you are saying (and only you, not a community voice) that in 
>>> order to be a mod_perl developer one also needs to:
>>> 1) Build and optimize Apache.
>>> 2) Build and optimize MySql.
>>> 3) Build and optimize Perl+mod_perl.
>>> 4) Build and optimize a Linux server environment.
>>> or
>>> 5) Have enough money to pay for all of the above.
>> You have no stack.
>> Make one.
>> Better still, get a bunch of people together with the same problem. Dunno 
>> where
>> you'd find 'em.
>> I just spent six months helping a company do exactly[0] this and move off a 
>> dated
>> RH platform onto a modern, current, Debian, perl 5.14, all new CPAN modules.
> You seem to have missed the point of my kvetching, which is perhaps a 
> suitable answer anyway.

What was the point?

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