On Mar 2, 2015, at 8:27 PM, Fred Moyer <f...@redhotpenguin.com> wrote:

> Can you show us your relevant httpd.conf snippet? No guesses right
> now, but that might help.


    PerlLoadModule My::UserFixup
    <Location />
        PerlFixupHandler  My::UserFixup
        AuthType          Basic
        AuthName          "User File Service"
        Require           valid-user

There’s also a simple PerlAuthenHandler. Pretty simple stuff.

I’ve gotten a little further since my post on Friday, changing the filename 
instead of the doc_root:

   sub handler {
       my $r = shift;

       # We only want to do this once per request.
       return DECLINED unless $r->is_initial_req;

       # Get the username.
       my $user = $r->user or return HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED;

       # Return forbidden if the subscriber ID subdirectory does not exist.
       my $doc_root = $r->document_root;
       my $sub_root = File::Spec->catdir($doc_root, $user);
       return HTTP_FORBIDDEN unless -d $sub_root;

       # Set the filename.                                                      
       my $file = File::Spec->catfile($sub_root, substr $r->uri, 1);
       $r->finfo(APR::Finfo::stat($file, APR::Const::FINFO_NORM, $r->pool));
       return DECLINED;

This works for root requests (/), but not anything else, which always return 
404. It’s driving me crazy. Maybe there’s something else i need to set? This 
has *got* to be a common thing people do, right? It’s driving me bananas (and 
towards Plack [again!]).



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