On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 1:25 PM, David E. Wheeler <da...@justatheory.com>

> On Mar 11, 2015, at 9:59 AM, David E. Wheeler <da...@justatheory.com>
> wrote:
> >      # Set the filename.
> >      my $file = File::Spec->catfile($sub_root, substr $r->uri, 1);
> >      $r->filename($file);
> >      $r->finfo(APR::Finfo::stat($file, APR::Const::FINFO_NORM,
> $r->pool));
> >      return DECLINED;
> > }
> >
> > I have no PerlReponseHandler, so Apache handles the response…and returns
> 404. Note that a request for /hi.txt; it’s only a request in a
> subdirectory, /foo/bar.html, that fails. Why? Why isn’t Apache able to find
> that file? Is there some other attribute of $r I need to set or unset?
> Turns out I was able to fix this issue by unsetting path_info. I just added
>     $r->path_info(undef);
> To the above code, and now Apache can find the file.
> I do not understand the relationship between filename (which is often not
> the full path to a file) and path_info. Fortunately, it looks like I don’t
> have to. But we might want to consider updating the docs to recommend
> unsetting path_info when setting the full path to a file in filename.
That is very curious. What was in path_info before? Is this a difference
between undef and ""? Because path_info shouldn't be involved in finding
the file, unless Apache is configured to ignore path info. And even that
doesn't make sense because you weren't testing with

You could also check how this directive affects the problem (whether it
should be turned off, or if your handler needs accept / deny the path info
as with the 'default' argument:

AcceptPathInfo On

I found this on apache 2.4's docs:

> David

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