On Mar 3, 2015, at 2:27 PM, David E. Wheeler <da...@justatheory.com> wrote:

> And now I got it to work. The key was to add.
>    PerlMapToStorageHandler Apache2::Const::OK
> Otherwise it just fails super early. By adding this line, I am able to freely 
> set the filename later.

Alas, this does *not* work for directory requests, just files. Directories 
return 404. Is there some other attribute other than filename and finfo I need 
to set so that, when I decline a request, Apache will find the directory and 
use mod_autoindex to display it? It does do so if I remove the above 
PerlMapToStorageHandler statement, so there must be some crucial attribute that 
needs settings for it to find a directory, right?



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