In a message dated 12/19/99 1:11:00 AM !!!First Boot!!!, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< But as you say, night rolls in and they dress up in their one suit that 
 as stylish or cool as the mods, but they try...
 of course, these days, skins want to go for that casual look, the t shirt,
 levis and braces, all the time, even when they are on the town... I am not
 sure why, but i think its cause they want to be recognized as skins..

I'd just like to add that Chad is one of the more stylixh skins that I know.  
 The last several "Tighten Up!" nights he has been decked out in full suit.  
And his class and sincerety take him a long way, in my opinion.  He may get 
lippy as all of us tend to do from time to time on this list, but, in the 
real world, he's one of the nicer guys I know, and holds a top composure.  
For heavens sake!!  he's one of the only skins who actually dances instead of 
"stomping" around and spilling his Guinness.
Cheers to Chad... one of the few skins who keep me from steriotyping them all.
SMART! Chicago

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