ha, actually, for some reason, that story is very funny.

Sharps tend to act that way.. and I feel sorry for the old man, but its
funny as hell.

*-----Original Message-----
*Sent: Thursday, December 16, 1999 7:49 PM
*Subject: Re: oo's a skin?
*In a message dated 12/16/99 3:27:04 PM Pacific Standard Time,
*<< if you check it out, the mods at like, brighton beach acted just
* like the latter-day skins(SHARPS aside). >>
*I remember back in '89, I was coming out of a club in New York's,
*Lower East
*Side, when on the street I ran into a group of about 6 skinheads. For
*whatever reason the ringleader of this bunch notices I'm a mod and has to
*come up and tell me how cool that is. Anyway, then he goes into a
*rap about
*how they are "SHARP" skinheads. In the middle of his rap, an old
*Jewish guy
*comes from across the street  and starts calling them racist, and going on
*about the Holocaust and nazis. The skinheads try to tell the old
*man they are
*not racist, but he doesn't believe them. The argument goes on for a while,
*finally the skinheads can't take it anymore and "jump" the old guy. Just
*another surreal moment in NYC.
*Chris C.

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