Hi all,
     I am a new to mod_ssl. I have ExeterXML server on my machine which is integrated with openssl 0.9.4-1.3.9, modssl 2.4.8-1.3.9 for apche 1.3.9.
When i ran the server,  i got this warning saying

"[Tue Nov 23 21:19:43 1999] [warn] Loaded DSO modules/ApacheModuleJServ.dll uses plain Apache 1.3 DSO, this module might crash under EAPI!". 
Is it ok if i continue?.
Both http & https server hangs when i tried http://localhost & https://localhost:8443 . It poped up a error dialog box with message as "Operation timed out". Any idea whatz happening?.
I looked at FAQ list. But there is no anwser for it.
Answer as soon as possible will be appreciated.

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