>   Hi.
>   My name is Osvaldo Brito and I am a student of electrical and computer
>   engineering at Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST), Lisbon Technical
>   University, Portugal.  My final project is to develop a www interface
>   for e-mail secure access.  I know that lots of (commercial) versions of
>   such an interface already exist, but that is really not a problem as
>   the aim is for me to learn new technologies and develop a simple
>   interface for in-house use.
>   The first mail that I sent wasn't explicit enough and I apologize for
>   the confusion. So here goes a complete view of my project in the hope
>   that you can further help me.
>   I think that a good way to describe the interface I am envisioning is
>   as follows:
>     ^------------- Local-----------------^
>     ^                                    ^
>     ^                          web page  ^
>     ^                             ^      ^
>                                   -      ^                                       
>                                   -                          (Local or
>                                            safe connection    Remote)
>    E-mail server<----------> web server<-------------------->  user 
>      (POP 3)              (APACHE SSL or
>                            APACHE mod SSL)
>   One of the requirements of the system is that the connection between
>   the remote user and the local mail system has to be secure.  This is
>   where Apache comes in to play.  I need a secure version of Apache and
>   this is why I was considering using either APACHE SSL or APACHE
>   mod_SSL for that purpose.  Also, if you care to make any comments about:
>   - Should I first install the www server and use it in "normal mode"
>     (without encryption and SSL)just for test and after, implement the SSL,
>     or should I start by configure the server for the safe connection?
>   - I have to implement the www interface, in a UNIX network. Which are the 
>     characteristics that I need to know about my network?
>   - Is there anything that can help me to know how to configure the
>     secure www server to work in a UNIX network (manuals, sites,books,
>     examples, topics, issues that I should take care...)?
>   - Which user authentication should I use?
>   - Are there any sites that you recommend to I consult? 
>   Not wishing to usurp any more of your time than necessary, I thank
>   you in advance.
>   -Osvaldo Brito
> > 
> > 
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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