> within 30 seconds of the upload to PAUSE. cpan.hexten.net,
> cpan.dagolden.net and cpan.cpantesters.net are three mirrors I know of
> that have this feature.

Nit: it's cpan.dagolden.com and cpan.cpantesters.org :-)  Also, I
believe that search.cpan.org is not far behind these days.

> Of course, without any test scripts, your reports will probably all
> just PASS. You'll need to write better tests (and improve your test
> coverage) in order to get meaningful results, so I hope you do that
> soon.

You may also want to set your preferences for what kinds of email you
want about test reports.  (E.g. only FAIL?  all reports?)  Go to
https://prefs.cpantesters.org/ for more information.

-- David

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