* On Mon, Dec 07 2009, Jonathan Swartz wrote:
> On Dec 3, 2009, at 1:42 AM, Jonathan Rockway wrote:
>> Catalyst is the standard Perl web framework [1], and is neither non-
> perl nor
>> has "very strict security".  It also runs on Windows (Strawberry or
>> ActiveState), and does not require Apache.  (Apache still exists!?)
> [2]
> Ah, the arrogance that oozes forth from a few of the most vocal
> advocates and authors of Catalyst. That for me is one of the main
> reasons I avoid it and vaguely wish for it not to succeed. (Which is
> too bad, because I'm sure most of the folks responsible are quite
> nice.)

Wow, how rational!  It may surprise you to know that your reasons for
avoiding Catalyst are pretty flaky; fewer than 1% of the lines of code
in the Catalyst core were written by me.  (Actually, "svn blame" shows
less than this even though I broke the repository a few years ago and
every change became owned by me.  I am basically completely irrelevant
at this point!  Damn those facts!)

Basically, I am just a happy user that talks about Catalyst at
conferences because people keep asking me to.  I have no particular
investment in it, other than thinking that it *is* the best solution for
developing web applications in Perl.  (That doesn't mean it's good, it
just means that's it the best.)  I write my apps, and Catalyst stays out
of my way until I ask it to do something I don't feel like doing myself.

Catalyst is a lot like Perl5 itself.  It may not be the best-designed
language ever, but when you want to do something, you can do it.
Someone else has been there and the results are on CPAN.  When you are
new to something, this is what you value over technical purity.
Catalyst is the Perl of Perl web frameworks, and that's why I use it and
recommend it.

(BTW, I chose the word "standard" because I thought that was
generally-believed to be true.  If someone was to complete the following

  Ruby: Rails
  Python: Django
  Perl: ???

would ??? really be Web::Simple?  Nope, sorry.  That doesn't mean that
Merb and Pylons and Jifty are not great frameworks, it just means that
they are not the standard.  Don't read into it so deeply.)

Jonathan Rockway

print just => another => perl => hacker => if $,=$"

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