Jonathan Rockway wrote:
I will be the first to admit that I have no
idea how to program computers.  But then again, I have never heard of
anyone else that knows how to either.

Which probably means you're quite good. The really bad software developers are usually the ones who don't see the problems in their own code.

But anyway, I have found it easier, in general, to patch a non-perfect
piece of software than to write Perfect Software from scratch.  In a
world without infinite time, sometimes you just have to deal with ugly
and make incremental steps towards beauty.  Catalyst is no exception.

(Mostly) same here. But sometimes you can learn the most when you start from scratch - if it's on company time: double bonus. I also try to do some things from scratch just to find out if i'm able too (and so i can tell others how hard it *really* is).

And last but not least: Sometimes doing things from scratch gives you the opportunity to do things differently - like Perl6 does. (or, to quote "Day of the Tentacle": 'To save the world, you have to push a few old ladies down the stairs.')


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