
Regarding the failed indexer job below, is it possible to get
permission to upload this new libapreq2 release? (Or more specifically
to get it indexed, since I see it has been uploaded here:

I have perms to upload mod_perl2 releases, but haven't done a
libapreq2 before. It appears I don't have the necessary perms for
this. (The PAUSE View Permissions page for libapreq2 says that the
special APML name has comaint, which I thought might confer perms to
me, but it obviously doesn't work like that!)

I offered to do this on behalf of Joe Orton, who put the release on
Apache servers (see http://httpd.apache.org/apreq/download.cgi) but
he's never done CPAN uploads before. He confirmed he's happy for me to
do it on his behalf here:


On Tue, 23 Feb 2021 at 13:28, PAUSE <upl...@pause.perl.org> wrote:
> The following report has been written by the PAUSE namespace indexer.
> Please contact modules@perl.org if there are any open questions.
>   User: SHAY (Steve Hay)
>   Distribution file: libapreq2-2.15.tar.gz
>   Number of files: 312
>   *.pm files: 24
>   README: libapreq2-2.15/README
>   META-File: libapreq2-2.15/META.yml
>   META-Parser: Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.4414
>   META-driven index: yes
>   Timestamp of file: Tue Feb 23 13:26:47 2021 UTC
>   Time of this run: Tue Feb 23 13:28:39 2021 UTC
> This distribution name will only be indexed when uploaded by users with
> permission for the package libapreq2. Either someone else has ownership
> over that package name, or this is a brand new distribution and that
> package name was neither listed in the 'provides' field in the META file
> nor found inside the distribution's modules. Therefore, no modules will
> be indexed.
> Further details on the indexing attempt follow.
> Nothing in this distro has been
> indexed, because according to META.yml this
> package does not provide any modules.
> __END__

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