>>>>> On Tue, 2 Mar 2021 17:44:06 +0000, Steve Hay via modules 
>>>>> <modules@perl.org> said:

  > On Tue, 2 Mar 2021 at 17:24, Andreas Koenig
  > <andreas.koenig.7os6v...@franz.ak.mind.de> wrote:
 >> >>>>> On Tue, 2 Mar 2021 08:41:11 +0000, Steve Hay via modules 
 >> >>>>> <modules@perl.org> said:
 >> > On Mon, 1 Mar 2021 at 22:26, Neil Bowers <neil.bow...@cogendo.com> wrote:
 >> >>
 >> >> Hi Steve,
 >> >>
 >> >> Ah, I forgot to mention — you’ll need to force PAUSE to re-index the 
 >> >> tarball you uploaded.
 >> >>
 >> >> When you log in to PAUSE, in the life sidebar you’ll see "Force
 >> >> Reindexing", under "Utils" (3rd section). When you click on that
 >> >> you’ll get a list of the files in your upload directory. Click the
 >> >> checkbox next to libapreq2-2.15.tar.gz and then click on "Reindex".
 >> >> You’ll get an email within the hour with the results of the
 >> >> reindexing.
 >> >>
 >> >> That will make your release appear in the CPAN Index. MetaCPAN will need 
 >> >> to reindex it as well — I’ll give them a nudge once your reindexing is 
 >> >> done.
 >> >>
 >> > Ok, thanks. I see Andreas has actually done this for me already: I
 >> > have an email saying that it will be reindexed in about 20min from
 >> > now, so if you could give MetaCPAN a nudge for me when that's done
 >> > then that would be brilliant.
 >> > Many thanks to you & Andreas for sorting this all out for me :-)
 >> You're welcome. Unfortunately we are not yet through with this. Later I
 >> got an error message that the indexing failed. I suppose you received it
 >> as well, but it gives no clue. At the moment I have no idea yet, how to
 >> work around some built-in spell.

  > Yes, I saw the message. It ended with "Nothing in this distro has been
  > indexed, because according to META.yml this package does not provide
  > any modules." but comparing the META.yml with that in libapreq2-2.13
  > (which presumably is indexed since it appears on MetaCPAN?) I see
  > nothing but the expected differences. In particular, they both list
  > the same set of "provided modules", with just the versions bumped from
  > 2.13 to 2.15.

Too many years in between and too much code changes on PAUSE to have a
clear view what might be the cause. My current theory is that it's to do
with a weakness in this META.yml: the "provides" entries in the META.yml
all have no "file" attribute:

 : provides:
 :   Apache2::Request:
 :     version: 2.15
 :   Apache2::Cookie:
 :     version: 2.15

Compare this with:

 : provides:
 :   Acme::Godot:
 :     file: lib/Acme/Godot.pm
 :     version: '0.001010'

I think it's worth trying to provide the "file" with the provides
attribute next time you come around with a release.

Now you ask why did it work with 2.13. I don't know, offhand, it's just
an unproven theory anyway.

What I now did was a very dirty manual operation in the DB directly:

 : update packages set version=2.15,
 : dist='S/SH/SHAY/libapreq2-2.15.tar.gz',
 : file='missing file attrib in META.yaml/provides; ed. by andk'
 : where dist like '%libapreq2%' ;

So now 2.15 is indexed and no code on PAUSE was changed for that. Let me
know when I overlooked anything.


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