On Tue, 2 Mar 2021 at 17:24, Andreas Koenig
<andreas.koenig.7os6v...@franz.ak.mind.de> wrote:
> >>>>> On Tue, 2 Mar 2021 08:41:11 +0000, Steve Hay via modules 
> >>>>> <modules@perl.org> said:
>   > On Mon, 1 Mar 2021 at 22:26, Neil Bowers <neil.bow...@cogendo.com> wrote:
>  >>
>  >> Hi Steve,
>  >>
>  >> Ah, I forgot to mention — you’ll need to force PAUSE to re-index the 
> tarball you uploaded.
>  >>
>  >> When you log in to PAUSE, in the life sidebar you’ll see "Force
>  >> Reindexing", under "Utils" (3rd section). When you click on that
>  >> you’ll get a list of the files in your upload directory. Click the
>  >> checkbox next to libapreq2-2.15.tar.gz and then click on "Reindex".
>  >> You’ll get an email within the hour with the results of the
>  >> reindexing.
>  >>
>  >> That will make your release appear in the CPAN Index. MetaCPAN will need 
> to reindex it as well — I’ll give them a nudge once your reindexing is done.
>  >>
>   > Ok, thanks. I see Andreas has actually done this for me already: I
>   > have an email saying that it will be reindexed in about 20min from
>   > now, so if you could give MetaCPAN a nudge for me when that's done
>   > then that would be brilliant.
>   > Many thanks to you & Andreas for sorting this all out for me :-)
> You're welcome. Unfortunately we are not yet through with this. Later I
> got an error message that the indexing failed. I suppose you received it
> as well, but it gives no clue. At the moment I have no idea yet, how to
> work around some built-in spell.

Yes, I saw the message. It ended with "Nothing in this distro has been
indexed, because according to META.yml this package does not provide
any modules." but comparing the META.yml with that in libapreq2-2.13
(which presumably is indexed since it appears on MetaCPAN?) I see
nothing but the expected differences. In particular, they both list
the same set of "provided modules", with just the versions bumped from
2.13 to 2.15.

> Will try again later,,,

Thanks again :-)

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