On Wed, 3 Mar 2021 at 14:01, Neil Bowers <neil.bow...@cogendo.com> wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> Thanks for this. I'm happy to see that this release now appears on
> MetaCPAN, but numerous modules within it are listed as "UNAUTHORIZED"
> when I look at https://metacpan.org/release/SHAY/libapreq2-2.15.
> The previous release at
> https://metacpan.org/release/ISAAC/libapreq2-2.13 does not have this
> problem, so there is still a gremlin hiding somewhere in the system.
> Ah.  When I gave you co-maint, it didn’t give you co-maint on all the 
> packages. I’ll go through them one-by-one tonight, and fix this. I’ll shout 
> when it’s all sorted.

Any luck with this yet? MetaCPAN is still showing unauthorized at the moment.

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