I'm sorry, but that sounds like UTTER B.S. to me.  In 30 years  of 
collecting and dealing, I've NEVER, EVER encountered a Vertigo one sheet like  
one you have listed. And I've seen dozens in person and probably 50 or  more 
in catalogs over the years. 
  Hey, why doesn't Bruce come in and offer some feedback on this  matter.  
I'm sure he's seen more Vertigo one sheets than any of us...
  A year and a half ago, when I realized I was selling possible repro  
Friday The 13th one sheets, I STOPPED SELLING THEM IMMEDIATELY.  Hey, Dave,  I 
still have four of them left---you can have them FOR FREE if you want.   One 
of them might make a fine companion piece for you BOGUS ROLLED "Original"  
Cool Hand Luke one sheet!
                                                Rick Ryan

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