[woods] > the Fed. has been handing out billions of dollars of loans to banks
Craig: Banks shouldn't be borrowing, they should be lending. That's part of the problem. Craig woods: Exactly. When banks get our money when we deposit it, somewhat similar to "It's a Wonderful Life" the old Jimmy Stewart movie, but more complex additions, such as banks make investments now, which all originates with depositors money. In the movie, it was a greatly portrayed how when everyone ran on the bank Stewart (can't remember his characters name) had to explain to them that (to use made up names) Sally's money was in Bill's house and John's money was in Tom's new tractor, etc... The bank loans out money to people via money that other people deposit. Banks make money on interest paid through the loan. Banks make investments now-a-days, as said, but I'm not educated in where these investments occur. I do know with the removal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999 Investment Firms like Goldman Sachs were able to be both commercial banks and still remain investment firms. This was an Act from the Great Depression era to stop the high risk gambling of Investment Firms from having direct impact on the banking system, but for some odd reasons was repealed in 1999 and look what's happening. But you do go right to the point Craig, "Banks shouldn't be borrowing, they should be lending." I agree. And consumers shouldn't be borrowing, too. We all should be saving and then buying. I don't see any of this curbing. Inflation and debt... woods Moq_Discuss mailing list Listinfo, Unsubscribing etc. http://lists.moqtalk.org/listinfo.cgi/moq_discuss-moqtalk.org Archives: http://lists.moqtalk.org/pipermail/moq_discuss-moqtalk.org/ http://moq.org.uk/pipermail/moq_discuss_archive/