> I liked your description of this process..unintended consequences...and I
> am
> just braining off the top of my head: The ' measure' or policy Govt.puts
> into place( enforces/encourages..whatever) i.e. as intellectual PoV,
> when
> put into practice i.e.'translated' into social PoV's starts to lead a
> life
> of its own and indeed develops into creating/pointing to unintended
> consequences.

An interesting observation -- one I hadn't thought about before -- 
intellectual patterns intended to improve social patterns squashed by the 
"Giant" and then remolded for its own purposes. Since intellectuals don't 
recognize the MOQ's competing moral levels much less the power of the 
Giant, they remain clueless, wondering why their carefully engineered 
programs to correct the unintended consequences of their original plans are 
also become disasters, ad infinitum. Case in point: the current government 
bail out to correct the unintended consequences of the government housing 
assistance program.    

  wow.  Interesting observation indeed Andre.  Platt good point.  Brings a 
new understanding of "Kill intellectual patterns" I would say.  Kill 
intellectual patterns 
and follow dq, would be quiet mind (peaceful mind), quiet value (peaceful 
The quietness that Pirsig brought up and Marsha and I were recently discussing. 
That's how I see this.  We will have intellectual patterns, but we are not to 
carried away and to tie in what mel brought up, overload the social system with 
all these numbing policies.  The clap-trap.  I believe mel said deliberate 
which is a bold statement.

maybe new thread?
one called 'Overload' or 'Clap-trap' or something


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