dmb said:
Think about what Pirsig says about fascism, that it is the glorification of 
social values and social authority, especially at the expense of intellectual 
values. Then think about the complaints from Arlo and me. ...All this fear of 
other religions, flag waving, war making, tough guy foreign policy and 
xenophobic fear mongering is essentially the worship of social values and 
social authority.

woods replied:
Why are you saying this to me?  Your point?  ...You're stuck in a left-right, 
two-party paradigm, sounds SOM. ... 

dmb says:
Well, first of all I think it is only realistic to look at our politics in 
terms of the two parties. Until something very big changes, that's just the 
reality we all have to deal with. But more importantly, SOM has nothing to do 
with my point. My point is that we can see the conflict between social and 
intellectual values in our politics and I was trying to make a case that we 
MOQers ought to be able to make a practical choice right now based on that. As 
I understand it, voting Republican this year is wrong in both senses of the 
word, which is to say it would be incorrect and immoral.

Take a look at Naomi Wolf's speech and then tell me if she is, in effect, 
making a case for the intellectual control of society or not.

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